Apply to join

To join Moggill Pony Club, please make an application through the Pony Club Queensland website. Click here to access the online form.

Membership Categories

Moggill Pony Club offers three categories of membership; riding, social and associate:

Riding membership entitles you to participate in all club rallies and events, as well as other Pony Club Queensland (PCQ) events. An added benefit of riding membership at Moggill Pony Club is that the club's grounds are also available for your use, under appropriate supervision, for individual riding and training activities. Riding members are required to own or lease their own horse or pony. $200/year *Additional Family Riding member fee $120/year

Social membership is required for parents and guardians of riding members under the age of 18 years.  We also offer social membership to others who simply want to support our club and its work.$20/year

Associate membership is designed for riders over the age of 18 years and allows you to enjoy the use of our well-equipped grounds at any time, other than during club rallies and club-sanctioned events.  Associate memberships are limited in number, as determined by the Moggill Pony Club Committee from time to time. $350/year

Within these categories, a number of rules apply:

  • Any riding member under the age of 18 years must have at least one parent or guardian who is either a riding or social member.

  • Each family is required to provide 16 volunteer hours per year, which is credited against a refundable Club Volunteer Levy of $280.

  • Associate members must be over the age of 18 years and not have a family member under the age of 18 as a riding member of the club.

  • Associate members are not required to perform volunteer hours but must instead pay the non-refundable annual fee and the PCQ insurance fee.

  • Only financial Moggill Pony Club members, or members of other PCQ affiliated Pony Clubs, may use the Club’s grounds, except where the Club hires out the use of its grounds to another club, organisation or school.

  • When the Club hires out the use of its grounds to another club, organisation or school, that entity must have its own insurance coverage for the period of the hire.

Please note, Pony Club Australia and Pony Club Queensland fees are also payable with memberships. 

For 2025: PCA/PCQ Riding fees - $154.26

PCA/PCQ Non-riding fees - $40


Horses and gear

The welfare of our riders and their horses is the highest priority of our club and all our rallies, events and activities are conducted according to the rules and by-laws of Pony Club Queensland (PCQ).

All riders at Moggill Pony Club and other PCQ-affiliated events must comply with PCQ equipment and dress rules regarding saddlery, helmets, boots and other gear. The Pony Club Australia National Gear Rules 2025 can be found here:

PCQ by-laws provide that, except where special rules permit otherwise, a rider shall be confined to the use of one mount and that a horse may only have one rider at any event.  A horse must be either owner-ridden or leased.

No stallion, colt, entire or rig is eligible to take part in or attend any event, competition or otherwise, at any function conducted by Moggill Pony Club.

Any act or series of actions which, in the opinion of the club’s Chief Instructor, can clearly and without doubt be defined as abuse of horse or dangerous riding, shall be dealt with within the relevant PCQ Code of Conduct.

Similarly, any rider who affects the safety of any horse, rider or third party will be considered to have acted dangerously, and will be penalised as determined by relevant Code of Conduct(up to and including withdrawal of membership).

Riders are required to provide a completed Horse Health declaration at club events.

Club colours and uniform

Moggill Pony Club’s colours are teal blue (aqua) and brown.

Our formal uniform, worn at gymkhanas and formal competitions, consists of beige or brown jodphurs or riding pants, collared white shirt and teal blue and brown striped club tie. A brown vest and club badge are optional.

For monthly rallies and sporting events, riders are required to wear the club polo shirt (teal blue with brown trim) and jodphurs or riding pants.

The Moggill Pony Club saddlecloth must be used at all rallies and events.

Club saddlecloths can be ordered directly from Gala Equine.

All other uniform items are available for purchase from the club’s uniform shop, which is open on rally days.  The uniform shop stocks new and second hand items. 

Safety is paramount in pony club and all riders are required to wear PCQ-approved helmets and smooth-soled, heeled riding boots.  

PCQ finds that any helmet tested and meeting the VGI helmet standard is acceptable for use in all Pony Club activities. Helmets need to comply with the following standards: AS/NZS 3838 (AU) and ARB HS 2012; PAS 015 (UK); ASTM F 1163 (USA); VGI (Europe) EN1384 – Only for helmets with manufacture date up to and including 2015.  Black, brown, and white are preferred helmet colours for competition. 


Horse riding is a hazardous pastime and all members must sign MPC and PCQ indemnity forms limiting liability for any injury or damage suffered.

Moggill Pony Club membership includes basic insurance cover through Pony Club Queensland for members and others participating in the club’s equestrian activities.  The insurance is not all encompassing and does not seek to replace your need for private health and other insurances.

Members may also be subject to restrictions set down by the Department of Primary Industries when traveling to and/or riding at Moggill Pony Club.


As one of the few clubs in the state that owns and maintains its own grounds, the success of Moggill Pony Club depends on the contribution our members make.  Each of our member families is required to provide 16 volunteer hours per year, which is credited against a refundable Club Volunteer Levy.

Examples of volunteering include working bees, mowing the grounds and operating the canteen, which is open during rally days and staffed by members on a roster basis.

All riders are also asked to help set up on rally days, which provides an important learning opportunity.  Many hands make light work and packing up provides a great opportunity to reflect on the day’s achievements and share a few laughs.